我司產品有保障,免費送貨上門,和各大快遞公司都有合作, 脫氧核糖核酸緩沖液保證發貨及時,運輸無憂有質量問題,可隨時免費包退換!如遇到產品質量問題,可與我司客服進行電聯免費退換貨,我司將會對產品問題會做相應的處理,保證客戶的權利和利益!
中文名稱 : 脫氧核糖核酸緩沖液
英文名稱 : DNA Buffer
其他英文名稱 : DNA Sheared&Dentaured buffer
產品規格 : BR,20mg/ml
產品規格 : 生物技術級,5mg/ml
級 別 :BR
濃 度 :20mg/ml solution
A260/A280 :>1.7
級 別 :Biotechnology grade
濃 度 :5mg/ml
產品描述 :Prepared from purified salmon testes DNA by mechanical shearing and heat denaturation to an average fragment size of 200-1000bp.To reverse any renaturature occurring during storage this material should be briefly boiled and rapidly chilled before use.Recommended concentration for use is 100ug/ml.Supplied as a solution at 5mg/ml in 0.1M NaC1
性 狀 :液體
用 途 :生化研究。An effective blocking agent used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for detection during hybridization
保 存 :-20℃